
Decanter centrifuge | Sludge dehydrator | Centrifugal dehydrator | mud dehydrator | Jinhua horizontal screw centrifuge | Complete set of sludge dewatering equipment

NPP Gidriks LLC is a dealer of Shenzhou Group LTD

2021-05-28 11:22:03
“The Shenzhou Group LTD company confirms the readiness for the production and supply of decanter centrifuges to the address of NPP Gidriks LLC at the facility "Left-bank treatment facilities of Voronezh".

NPP Gidriks LLC is a dealer of Shenzhou Group LTD and has the right to sell products manufactured by Shenzhou Group LTD in Russia and the CIS countries.

The products supplied through NPP Gidriks LLC are provided with all types of warranties and manufacturer's support.

company with limited liability
Haidris Scientific Production Enterprise
(LLC NPP“Hydrix”)
INN/CAT 7727749349/775101001
Committee Against Torture (Independent) 773145001
Ogen 1117746351183
Joint Disciplinary Committee/Joint Disciplinary Committee 91541747/28.29.1
Phone:+ 7 495 788-01-88
Phone:+ 7 800 301-01-88
Legal address: 108840, Moscow Troitsk, st. Physical, d. 11, p. 7, pom. 1, floor. 1, com 20.21
Actual and mailing address:
117638, Russia, Moscow,
Odessa st., House 2, BC Lotus,
Tower A, floor 5, of. 4



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