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Maintenance of imported centrifuges
  • Jinhua Shenzhou Centrifuge Co., Ltd.

Professional maintenance of imported centrifuges
Due to the complex process of imported centrifuges, strong enterprise qualifications and superb technical support are required. Jinhua Shenzhou centrifuge provides after-sales maintenance for a large number of imported horizontal screw centrifuges with a professional and powerful engineer technical team.

It has been repaired and overhauled imported centrifuges such as florwell, Westphalia, Alfa LAFA, and bayares, and has been highly praised by more customers. Centrifuge dynamic balance verification, centrifuge screw conveyor, centrifuge stock transfer overhaul.

The engineer investigates the maintenance site at the customer


1、 Oil pressure failure of centrifuge maintenance

This kind of fault mainly shows that there is no oil pressure, the oil pressure is too low or the oil pressure is too high.

The treatment method is:

(1) There is no oil pressure.
Check whether the oil filter is blocked, whether the pressure gauge is damaged, whether the oil pipes and joints are connected well, whether they are loose or broken, and whether the oil pipes are unblocked.

(2) The oil pressure is too low.
The normal outlet oil pressure of the centrifuge in the coal preparation plant is 3.0~3.5bar. If the oil pressure is too low, check whether the suction pipe from the oil pump to the oil tank through the filter is unblocked; Check whether the oil circuit leaks oil; Check whether the coupling between the motor and the oil pump shaft is damaged, otherwise replace the coupling; Whether the oil pump is damaged, otherwise replace the oil pump.

(3) The oil pressure is too high.
When the oil pressure of the centrifuge is too high, check whether appropriate mechanical oil is added into the oil tank according to the requirements of the equipment operation manual; Check whether each pipeline is blocked. If there is a blockage, blow out the sundries in the pipeline with compressed air.

2、 The maintenance vibration of centrifuge is too large.
The fault problems of excessive vibration during the operation of centrifuge are mostly caused by incorrect installation, blocking and deformation of screen basket, blocking of coal channel between screen basket and scraper, loosening of bolts and other reasons.

The solutions are:
check whether the screen basket is blocked, worn out or deformed;
Check whether the exciter spring is aging;
Check whether there is fine coal accumulation on one side of the screen basket;
Check the wedge bar screen basket for damage, deformation or imbalance;
Check whether the anchor bolts are rusted and firm;
Check whether the bearing is damaged. If it is damaged, replace the bearing;

If a new vibration motor is replaced, it should be checked whether it is matched with the load of the replaced motor *, and it should be matched with the motor on the other side. The two motors should be assembled the same.

3、 Abnormal noise fault.
Abnormal noise faults are mostly caused by the too small clearance between the screen basket and the scraper, the entry of foreign matters into the equipment or the damage of bearings. The solutions are: check the fit gap between the screen basket and the scraper; Check whether the oil circuit is normal; Check whether there is foreign matter entering the body; Check whether the belt is damaged or falls off; Check the bearing for damage.

4、 Centrifuge maintenance motor failure
(1) Failure to start or stop.
Check whether the power supply voltage is normal and whether the starter operates correctly;
Check whether the motor is grounded incorrectly, whether the stator coil has any open circuit in the three phases and whether there is no short circuit on the adjacent steering;
Check whether the motor has no electric or mechanical overload.

(2) Overcurrent or overheating fault.
Check whether the fixing bolts of the motor are tightened correctly and whether the end cover is damaged to avoid weight turnover;
Check whether the bearing is partially stuck or too greasy;
Check whether the feeding amount is too large. If it is too large, reduce the feeding amount appropriately;
Check whether there is discharge and accumulation at the bottom, and if so, clean the bottom discharge area.

5、 Centrifuge maintenance feeding and discharging failure.
The feeding and discharging failures of the centrifuge are mostly caused by the wear of the screen basket, excessive coal volume, excessive moisture in the coal water mixture and other reasons.

The solutions to such faults include:
Check whether the sieve basket is worn out. If it is worn out, replace it with a new sieve basket in time; In case of unsmooth feeding, small processing volume or blockage, check whether the coal quality has changed or the amount of slime is too large, and strengthen the control of coal feeding; If the water content of the mixture in the feed is too large, the water content and fine coal content of the feed mixture should be controlled, and the screen basket should be checked for blockage, the gap between the scraper and the screen basket should be checked for excessive or damaged scraper, and the chute should be checked for wear.

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